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Mission Statement
The SMT Interest Group on Music and Disability seeks to foster conversation among musicians about music-historical and music-theoretical issues related to disability, drawing on recent developments in the new, interdisciplinary field of Disability Studies. The group also serves as an advocate for greater accessibility in all areas of music theory scholarship and pedagogy.
- The group sponsors and plans invited presentations, discussion forums, performances, special topic sessions, as well as workshops to be held at the Annual Meeting of SMT as well as other conferences.
- It hosts an extensive web site, https://musicdisabilitystudies.wordpress.com, which featuring bibliographies and news items related to music and disability, as well as substantial resources for teachers of students with disabilities.
- It has established a partnership program to pair interested individuals (faculty and graduate students) for the purpose of sharing stories, ideas, and information about living in academia with a disability, and it also provides guidance and resources for classroom teachers.
- It hosts an email list, DISMUS-L (see below).
To subscribe to the group's list-serv, please send mail to LISTSERV@GC.LISTSERV.CUNY.EDU with the following command pasted into the body of the email and in the subject heading: SUBSCRIBE DISMUS-L .
Membership is open to all interested SMT Members. To join, or for any questions about the group or its activities, please contact Anabel Maler, (amaler@uchicago.edu).