SMT events and deadlines

Each year SMT sponsors an annual meeting where scholars may present their ongoing research; papers are accepted on a blind-read, competitive basis. In addition, members may participate in special sessions organized by standing committees, such as the Committee on the Status of Women, the Committee on Diversity, and the Professional Development Committee, as well as events organized by SMT Interest Groups. A special workshop for students and a peer learning workshop are also held as part of the annual meeting.

Upcoming Annual Meetings of the SMT

2019: Columbus, Ohio, Nov 7-10
2020: Minneapolis, Minnesota, Nov 5-8 (held jointly with the American Musicological Society)
2021: Jacksonville, Florida, Nov 4-7

SMT Deadlines

Past Meetings

Information on the past Annual Meetings of the SMT may be found in the Archive section of this website.


For more information regarding online discussions of selected essays from Music Theory Online, please see MTO webinars page.

For a comprehensive list of other meetings and events that might be of interest to SMT members, see the List of Upcoming Events.