Language Guidelines

SMT Guidelines for Non-Handicapping Language

The Society for Music Theory strongly recommends the use of non-handicapping language in its publications and in presentations at its annual meetings. Authors and presenters are encouraged to examine the following guidelines for avoiding handicapping language in their writings. The first source comes from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. The second source is a related guide recommended by the APA.

Guidelines for Non-Handicapping Language in APA Journals:

Guidelines for Reporting and Writing About People With Disabilities (Research and Training Center on Independent Living, University of Kansas):

SMT Guidelines for Non-Sexist Language

The Society for Music Theory strongly recommends the use of non-sexist language in its publications and in presentations at its annual meetings. Authors and presenters are encouraged to examine the following guidelines, drawn up jointly by the Committee on the Status of Women and the Publications Committee: SMT Guidelines for Non-Sexist Language